020 7240 6997

The Black Blues Brothers

The production is set in an elegant American bar; chairs, tables and the surroundings become the props with breath-taking results.

The performers honed their skills at Sarakasi, a social circus trust created by the UN officer Rudy van Dijck and his wife Marion to develop live arts in Africa, and help young people coming from disadvantaged situations.


They now all teach at Karakasa Il Laboratorio delle Meraviglie, a centre for live shows in Noventa di Piave, near Venice, as part of Open Circus, a project supported by Italian Ministry of Culture. From jaw-dropping human pyramids to

toe-tapping dance-offs, THE BLACK BLUES BROTHERS will delight UK audiences of all ages as they have all around the world.

Dates available from September 2022 - November 2022



'The Dazzling Feats of the Magnificent Five.'

Corriere Della Sera

'It's clear their acrobatic skill has been there since childhood, the ease with which they fly and flip into the air, then plunge to the floor speaks of years of focused training and huge amounts of trust...Effortless... Incredible.' 

The Scotsman